Matt Striebe of Oregon:

   In my personal experience, the Web is klunky, at best, for research.
   Though some important finding aids can be accessed over the Internet
   (The Smithsonian Institution's SIRIS, The New York Public Library, and
   The Library of Congress), you won't find comprehensive whole text
   databases (just too damned big), or photo archives on the Net, yet. In
   other words, there are some great card catalogs, but no
   *comprehensive* libraries on the net. There are a few selective
   texts available (like all of Shakespeare, etc), but that isn't really
   significant for research.

   Since you're new on this list, I suggest that you go back in the
   archives of the list and look for subject headings including "Web" or
   "Internet" or "net."  There has been some *very* expert and
   illuminating discussion of this, some of the best I've seen anywhere.

   Netscape works.

   Eric Siegel
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