>Eileen raises an interesting point - how SHOULD the Web be cited, especially
>since WEB sites change frequently?
>My feeling is that information on WWW sites (or any other kind of Internet
>database) is not dissimilar from information contained in newspapers or
>interviews. One needs to be able to provide sufficient citation to enable
>someone to find the source item.
>If it were a newspaper article, we might cite it as:
>Smith, John "How to Cite the Web", Ottawa (Ontario) Journal, Jan.27, 1996 (wish
>my email system let me use the appropriate underlining, etc.)
>If an interview, we might cite it as:
>Smith, Mary, interview with John Smith, Jan. 27, 1996.
>For information obtained from a WWW site, I would be inclined to do something
>like this:
>"Zapping Cavities", Canadian Museum of Dentistry,
>http://www.canmus.dent.ca/cavity.html, Jan.27, 1996
>Wot think ye?
>harry Needham

Harry, you've got the right idea.  Until a standard is developed, common
sense should prevail.

Henry B. Crawford                                       v
Curator of History                                       v
Museum of Texas Tech University               v
Box 43191                                                   v
Lubbock, TX  79409-3191                         v
806/742-2442                                          v
FAX 742-1136                                            v
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All opinions expressed are mine                   v