You actually don't have to use any particular software; if you click on your
RIGHT mouse button on the image while at the web site you will get a pull
down menu which allows you to save the image to your hard disk [at least in

At 06:19 AM 1/24/96 -0500, you wrote:
>        Right now with PageMill--or with one more step using JPEG or
>its equivalent--even a computer idiot (myself) can pull virtually any
>image off the Web. I have been watching this particularly as I am building
>a proto for an interdisciplinary program on deep-time, microcosmos,
>comparative planetology.
>        So far I have only discover two ways in which folks are handling
>materials. Most of the pics from Paris Musuems have the painting
>photographer's name embedded in the data base: i.e., it opens
>automatically when you down load in a notes box but can be closed. The
>Minnesota Musuem of Art, on the other hand, has a copyright block
>right on the pic.
>        Is anyone aware of other ways in which this is being handled. I am
>working with Lynn Margulis and she is rightly vehement about "anyone"
>being able to use her truly magnificent images of microbes for, say,
>underarm dedo ads.
>        Lois
Paul H. Pincus
Bilbao Project Associate
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
1071 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10128-0173
P (212) 423-3549
F (212) 534-8938 or (212) 876-2368

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