>Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places but I haven't been able to connect
>with AAM via e-mail. Can anyone help with a current address please?
>Keith in Crockett
>Crockett/Carquinez Project
>Crockett, CA
>[log in to unmask]

Yep.  Some people at AAM are not yet on line, but you can always reach Andy
Finch, an AAM  Legislative Laison at  [log in to unmask]

Andy is a regular contributor to this list.

Henry B. Crawford                                       v
Curator of History                                       v
Museum of Texas Tech University               v
Box 43191                                                   v
Lubbock, TX  79409-3191                         v
806/742-2442                                          v
FAX 742-1136                                            v
[log in to unmask]                                     V
All opinions expressed are mine                   v