ICOM-ANNOUNCE: International Council of Museums Announcement List

List Title: ICOM-ANNOUNCE: International Council of Museums Announcement List
List Owner or Contact: Cary Karp, [log in to unmask]

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Keywords: committee, international, museum

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is devoted to the promotion and
development of museums and the museum profession at an international level.
ICOM is associated with UNESCO as a Category A non-governmental organization
with consultative status to the United Nations' Economic and Social Council.

ICOM was created in 1946 and has 10,000 members in 120 countries. The
membership participates in the activities of 93 National Committees and 24
International Committees. Some National Committees have also organized on a
regional level to reinforce their action.

ICOM-ANNOUNCE is intended to provide the electronic network community with a
source of information about ICOM's activities. Announcements about the
availability of ICOM documents on archive sites, as well as general news and
information about ICOM's scheduled events are available to subscribers.