While it is true that there is an increase after Christmas (people trying
out free accounts) the volume on this group was a problem for me two
years ago. The solution I found was to unsubscribe to the list and ask my
system administrator to add


to the list of available usenet groups.  I get the same postings but am
able to read them at my leisure. Also with the tin newsreader, I'm able
to have the messages sorted by thread heading and I can delete the ones I
don't want to read.

Another thing that has always seemed to be characteristic of this group
is the lack of sophistication among its subscribers when it comes to
netiquette - personal messages posted publicly, improper quoting (too
little or too much), test posts, people trying to unsubscribe who
obviously didn't save their "Save This Message" directions. Perhaps this
is because, in the case of institutions, more than one person is using
the account.  None of these things are too annoying (we all have to start
somewhere) except when the volume of postings is a problem.

I hope this newsgroup address helps someone.