In September I posted an inquiry regarding techniques being used by
conservators and scientists for testing the suitability of materials for use
in the construction of exhibition and storage cases, how widely these
tests are being used in the field, and the specific criteria on which
materials are being judged as suitable or unsuitable.

A dozen or so conservators and scientists from the United States,
Canada and England responded to this inquiry and reported similar
interest in beginning dialog which may eventually lead to research and
development of a systematic approach for unambiguous screening of

In my estimation there is sufficient interest in this topic to begin a more
structured discussion.  I would like to propose that we form an electronic
group through which we can carry on discussion and exchange
information.  I am still a novice regarding e-mail systems, but I think I
could handle building a distribution list so that messages sent to me
could be forwarded to the members of our group.

If you would like to participate in this group, please send me a short note
via the net telling who you are, what you do, and why you are interested
in participating in the group.  After the new year begins, I'll compile and
send out the distribution list.

Alternatively, if anyone has another, or better, idea, please post it to this
list.  Thank you.

James Martin
Director of Analytical Services and Research
Associate Conservator of Paintings
Williamstown Art Conservation Center