Talk about assumptions.  Is that why I always get "Dear Sir:"  and "Gentlemen: "
 letters addressed to me from people with archival questions?  Our Education
Curator doesn't have that problem <g>   Don't they know an archive is
similiar to
a library  - and librarians are females <g> ?
Deborah Baroff, Curator of Special Collections

>I had never heard Ms. Elliott's first name before, but I have found it
>interesting to use gender-neutral first names (Kim, Chris, Pat, etc.) in
>hypotheticals during training.  It often causes people to confront their
>assumptions about gender roles in the work world, especially as regards
>power and authority.
>Tom Vaughan                    \_   Cultural
>The Waggin' Tongue             \_    Resource
>[log in to unmask]             \_     Management,
>[log in to unmask]               \_       Interpretation,
>11795 County Road 39.2                \_       Planning, &
>Mancos, CO 81328 USA                    \_       Training
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