Program Proposal

                                                            MCN'96 CHIN '96
                       The Annual Conference of the Museum Computer Network
                     Co-hosted by the Canadian Heritage Information Network
                                                    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
                                                October 30-November 2, 1996

Proposals may address ideas and issues in any area of the use of technology
in museums.  To help us with Program planning, please check the categories
that best describe the subject of this proposal.

     _ Administration    _ Educational Programs   _ Networks & Integrated

     _ Cataloguing       _ Exhibits               _ Photo Services &
       & Description                                Images Rights

     _ Standards         _ Events Management      _ Professional

     _ Collections       _ Facilities Design      _ Publications
       Management          & Management

     _ Conservation      _ Fundraising &          _ Systems Administration

     _ Disciplinary      _ Imaging/Multimedia     _ Technologies
       Computing           Systems                  & Research
       (Art, Humanities,

     _ Internet Services _ Membership &           _ User Services
                           Participation            & Training

     _ Electronic        _ Search Tools            _ Understanding User
       Publishing          & Strategies              Needs

     _ Other (please specify) ________________________________

Level of Technical Knowledge of Intended Audience:

     _ Beginning         _ Intermediate           _ Advanced

This is a Proposal for a:

     _ Paper        _ Panel   _ Other (please specify) ________________

Length of Proposed Panel, Paper or Other Presentation:

     _ 1 Hour       _ 1 1/2 Hours       _ 2 Hours      _ 1/2 Day


Proposed Submitted By: (Name, title, address, phone, fax)

Description: (Summarize the relevance of the topic, the content to be
covered, and the subjects to be addressed by individual speakers.)

Goals: (Express how the intended audience will benefit from the

Participants: (List the name, title, institution, address, phone and fax of
each speaker or panelist, and indicate whether their participation is
confirmed or proposed.  In the case of panels, indicate which participant
will chair the session.)

AV Requirements:

Instructions for Submitting Proposals

Proposals should be sent to one of the following:

MCN '96 Program Proposals,
c/o Michele Devine                 c/o Gail Eagen, Program Chair MCN '96
Museum Computer Network,           Canadian Heritage Information Network
8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 501,    365 Laurier Ave. W,  14th Floor,
Silver Spring, MD                  Ottawa, Ontario
20912 USA                          Canada K1A 0C8
Phone: 412-681-1818                Phone:  613-992-3333
FAX:   412-681-5758                FAX:    613-952-2318
Email: [log in to unmask]             Email:  [log in to unmask]

All speakers are expected to prepare a written abstract for inclusion in
the conference proceeding, are requested to prepare a written paper for
publication in Spectra and are expected to take part in the scheduled
session .

Katherine Jones-Garmil
Assistant Director
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Harvard University
11 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02138

(617) 495-1959
(617) 495-7535 (fax)