On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Henry Grunder wrote:

> On the topic of "downsizing" - a euphemism for Philistinism
> (see Matthew Arnold) - did any happen to see CBS "Sixty
> Minutes" last night, the piece about Paris and the incredible
> level of government support?  One point that came out was the
> high level of taxes the French (and other Europeans as well)
> _willingly_ assess themselves in order to fund their public and
> social _benefits_.
And did you see the news this morning about the transportation strike,
talk of a general strike, general disatisfaction etc, etc.

What looks good from one angle may not look so good from another one.
I admit I don't know _anything_ about French taxes or how the French really
feel about them (even after watching 60 Minutes) but this looks like a
strong possibility of the grass being greener.

Laura Lynne [log in to unmask]