
I am responding to your posting regarding the dilema of firing the gun by the
still-living donor from the Pan America Games.

Many firearms of this vintage (ie., 20th century) are considered "living
firearms" and are kept and maintained in constant use by owners & collectors.
 If the gun is in excellent condition then firing it once should do no harm
as long as it is thoroughly cleaned afterwards.

There is an underlying principle here, however, as to whether you feel that
this might set a precedent in which any firearm in the collection might be
liable to be placed into use in this manner.  There is also the matter of
public perception which such events and their publicity engender.

If this gentleman (donor) is very excited about firing his old gun then you
might consider indulging his wishes - it is really a judgement call when one
is dealing with living people and recent artifacts.


David Harvey
Conservator of Metals & Arms
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
P.O. Box 1776
Williamsburg, VA 23187-1776  USA
voice:    804-220-7039
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]