Priority:       normal
Date sent:      Tue, 14 Nov 1995 09:56:44 CST
Send reply to:  Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
From:           Jane Jones <[log in to unmask]>
Organization:   Dept. of AR Heritage
Subject:        Re: topographic model
To:             Multiple recipients of list MUSEUM-L <[log in to unmask]>

Another reply concerning topographic model:  Sorry to reply to list
but your host came back unknown

This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but for 3-d water
shed models, we've had tremendous success with a company called
c/o J T & A, inc.
1000 Connecticut Ave
Washington, DC 20036


They produce a model watershed which is a wonderful hands-on teaching
tool to illustrate point and non-point source pollution, as well as
developing land management solutions.  It is a large, plastic model
that includes rivers, lakes, forest, farms, suburb, construction
site, etc.  They are developing add-on layers for illustrating other
environments, such as wetlands.  It comes with detailed teaching
materials, and, while fairly large (about 4 ft by 4 ft), comes with a
roll-around suitcase.

The company is very *user-friendly* and easy to work with.  They
produce a users newsletter and seem to constantly be trying to
improve their product and address the needs of the users.

Good luck!

Jane Jones                                   x   "Man is rich in
Director                                     x   proportion to the
Arkansas Natural & Scenic Rivers Commission  x   number of things
1500 Tower Building                          x   he can afford to
323 Center Street                            x   let alone."
Little Rock, Arkansas  72201                 x
(501)324-9159                                x  Henry David Thoreau
FAX  (501)324-9154                           x
It's refreshing to see someone write something intelligent!! Proud to
know you!