Well, I tried your web-page...I can't really say too much, not having
attempted one of my own yet. But it was a nice, odd sort of picture, once I
reconfigured my Netscape settings for it, and once I discovered the tiny
"@" symbol which is apparently the link from instructions to the image. I
won't pretend to understand the image itself. . .

Well, no. I'll be even more honest: I don't have a clue what you're trying
for here. Was I not supposed to use Netscape 1.12? Why do you make it so
hard to find the links from one place to the next? And once a person
finally gets to an image...what next? Is there more there that I just
missed? Info on the College or something?

Just sign me,

Confused in Cyberspace

>Art Center College of Design's new website is up and is different than
>anything you've seen before.
>Be patient, put aside your usual web expectations, and try it at

Thomas Dyer
Exhibits Director
Nevada State Museum & Historical Society
700 Twin Lakes Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89107