>>For a WWW-project regarding museums on the web we are looking
>>for URLs of museums that have a presentation on WWW.
>>Please post the URL, including a short description and city/country
>>of the museum.
>>In the near future we will be including these URLs in a list on
>>(virtual) museums worldwide.
>        Hi ---
>        One thing I have never understood... There must be at least five to
>ten MAJOR MAJOR lists of virtual museums  compiled.  Why do people feel
>obliged to create new sets of lists when 99% of the material is covered on
>another list?

I can tell you all why I maintain our list, even though it is redundant.

1.  Increase Public Awareness of our institution.
2.  Public Service (both to the Internet public and our own membership).
3.  High traffic area - good for placement of surveys and potential sponsorship.

I would like to emphasize the first point.  Los Angeles and the Natural
History Museum has received a considerable amount of bad press in recent
years.  I am fairly confident that most subscribers to this list have a
recently heightened awareness of our institution and may have the
perception that we are starting to do some interesting things, at least on
the 'Internet' front.  The list of museums that I maintain is, in part, the
mechanism used to increase that awareness.  Why try to increase awareness?
Increased awareness in the 'public sector' will bring people to our museums
when they visit Los Angeles.  Increased awareness in the Los Angeles area
will bring new members.  Increased awareness in the museum community...you
folks are the ones that review our grant proposals and collaborate with our

As for redundancy...yes I am reproducing efforts made by other groups.
However, our institution will benefit, and other institutions will benefit
regardless of the redundancy.  However, the redundancy necessitates that I
strive to develop one of the 'best' and 'most frequented' lists in order to
reap the maximum benefit.

I encourage others to maintain 'public service' lists.  Such activities can
only benefit your institution.  However, be warned that maintaining these
lists is a lot of work.

And...remember that the information in the lists is public information and
isn't 'owned'.  It takes a bit of a mental adjustment to cultivate the
attitude that the information you worked so hard to obtain will be taken
and 'reworked'.  My own philosophy...don't worry about it and offer the
information freely.  It'll reduce stress levels all around.


Jim Angus
Director of Information Technology and Hypermedia Programs
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA  90007

voice:  213/744-3317
fax:    213/746-2999
eMail:  [log in to unmask]
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