The deadline for the Collections Care and Maintenance Training Program
sponsored by the Heritage League of Greater Kansas City has been
EXTENDED to 06 November 1995.  This program is designed to provide a
broad range of technical information focusing on the care and maintenance
of museum collections.  Through lectures, demonstrations, hands-on
workshops, and behind-the-scenes tours of area historic sites and museums,
participants will learn about agents of deterioration, the interaction of
materials with the environment, standard methods and procedures in
collections management, and basic care and handling techniques for a wide
range of mateirals normally found in historical collections.  Participants
will be trained to recognize conservation issues and deal effectively
with them in their own institutions.
        The program will establish a lending library of basic reference
works and specialized equipment used to monitor environmental factors.
Participants will be trained to use the equipment and will have access to
the library during and after completion of the course.
        Each participant will be required to complete a practicum project
at their institution during the intersession to improve the care of their
collections, and to report on their project in a presentation during the
second three-week session of the program.
        The program is offered in two three-week sessions, Monday - Friday,
with a four-month intersession.  The first three-week session will be
offered Feb. 5-23, 1996, followed by the second sesssion July 7-26 1996.
        The program will be based in the University of Missouri-Kansas
City's conference facilities within the College of Arts and Sciences
Continuing Education Division.
        This program has been developed to assist currently employed
museum professionals who are directly responsible for a broad range of
collections care activities, but have little technical training to guide
them in these areas.  The program will emphasize practical approaches to
long-term preservation of museum collections.
        The program is limited to 15 participants.  Six partial scholarships
are available and wil be awarded on a competitive basis.
        For additional information, please contact (as soon as possible!!)
Jean Svadlenak, Program Director
Collections Care and Maintenance Training Program
Heritage League of Greater Kansas City
202 Cockefair Hall
University of Missouri-Kansas City
5100 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, MO 64110-2499
Telephone 816-235-1333
FAX 816-235-1308