>> I'm planning a trip to Toronto, ONT this December 18-23.
>> any advice on interesting museums/sites?  I'm especially
>> interested in sitting in on educational type stuff.

>> Mia Llarena [log in to unmask]

Having just recently visited Toronto, I have many suggestions!

I will affirm that ROM, Art Gallery of Ontario, and the Power
Plant are all worthy stops during your travels.  If you do visit the
Power Plant, there are also several smaller galleries in the Queen's
Quay area that are worth seeing, all within walking distance.  Just
pick up some literature at the Power Plant, as I'm sure they
cross-advertise.  I missed the Science Center, and have regretted
it since.

BTW, the Bat Cave is still in existence :-)

The most enjoyable museum experience during my visit was at the
Bata Shoe Museum (327 Bloor St. West, at St. George subway -- I
know this only because I have their brochure posted at the office
;-) When I visited this past August, their exhibits covered Inuit
boots (Kamiks), 19th century women's shoes and fashion, shoes in
children's literature, the history of skates, as well as a general show
all about shoes (shoe-making, shoes as symbols of class, status,
culture, shoes and their uses, shoes in literature, etc.)  Very
interesting, indeed.

Also, you may want to check out the Design Exchange.  Can't
recall the adress, but it's housed in the old Toronto Stock
Exchange building, something to see if you're at all interested in
architecture.  When I was there, the exhibit on display was
comprised of works by local architects -- actually, each of the
invited architects was asked to present their dream house.  Also, a
keen gift shop on the first floor.

Enjoy your trip!  There's much to see...


Brenda Podemski
Registrar's Office
The J. Paul Getty Museum
[log in to unmask]

            "I never utter the word ART unless
                    referring to Mr. Linkletter."
                                             -John Waters
