WWW Virtual Library museum pages (VLmp)

I have now put a version of the VLmp files on-line accessible via
anonymous FTP in the following directory for potential VLmp mirror


The file README in this directory gives instructions on how to create a
VLmp mirror site (with technical details for Unix based). I would be
very happy for any readers of the MUSEUM-L discussion forum do this at
their site and/or to pass this message on to a suitable person at the
same site or another site.

See also information and hyperlinks under:


An incentive to become a VLmp mirror site is that a link to your main
home page will be included in the top VLmp page, thus encouraging
visits to your museum's (or organization's) Web site.

Jonathan Bowen                   Email: [log in to unmask]
                      URL: http://www.reading.ac.uk/people/jpb/
Tel: +44-1734-316544 (direct) -318611 (secretary) -751994 (fax)
The University of Reading,       Department of Computer Science