The American Museum of Natural history has a perfume exhibit with civet ,
beaver and other scent glands for the smelling.  Don't let Rickie Lake
know about this or she'll be back in court.

On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Jeff Kupperman wrote:

> Has anyone heard of a museum of scents anywhere in the world?
> I've seen the Science Museum of Minnesota's WWW page about its celebrations in
> honor of "National Sense of Smell Day," and I know the Exploratorium has an
> exhibit called the "Garden of Smells."  Does anyone know of other exhibits or
> (is it possible?) entire museums dedicated to smells, scents, odors, or
> aromas?  (A perfume museum, perhaps?)  I'm investigating this for a scent
> manufacturer.
> Thanks-
> Jeff Kupperman
> Atelier Aza, Tokyo
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