When our museum was built in 1982, somebody decided to install a
first-class (I guess) fumigator. It is only configured for ethyl bromide.
One director decided to try it out and bought a canister of the stuff, but
nobody dared run the gas thru it; methyl bromide is apparently odorless,
tasteless, and a very small amount is extremely deadly. The canister stood
in a corner for a year or so, and then the facility supervisor had it
disposed of for some unreasonable cost.

More recently, we looked into reconfiguring the contraption to use a
different gas/liquid/whatever for a fumigant, but the company wanted about
$6000 to $9000 to come in and change it over. Nothing was done.

So now what we have is a large, Rube Goldberg sort of tank which contains
an assortment of dead beavers and other odd things, heavily saturated in
PDB (paradichlorobenzene). It's a very expensive storage box!

Anyway, if you don't already have it I can try and find the company name
and number for you, Victoria. Good luck

(p.s. I thought this went out already, but eudora sez no...My apologies if

Thomas Dyer
Exhibits Director
Nevada State Museum & Historical Society
700 Twin Lakes Drive, Las Vegas NV 89107