On Tue, 10 Oct 1995 [log in to unmask] wrote:

> I also have a museum employment question. What other publications (besides
> AVISO) advertise museum employment opportunities. Every thing in AVISO seems
> to be for high level jobs (Director etc.)

If you are in the San Franciso Bay Area, there is a publication called,
"Opportunity NOCs" which lists non-profit openings at all levels,
including museums.  Their address is:  The Management Center, 870 Market
Street, #800, San Francisco, CA  94102.

Susan Wageman
Grants Coordinator                 [log in to unmask]
The Tech Museum of Innovation      (408) 279-7178
145 West San Carlos Street         fax (408) 279-7149
San Jose, CA  95113                http://www.thetech.org