In a network environment increasingly driven by commercial interests,
what is the future of cultural information?

How can members of the cultural sector work together to define its
technical needs and mobilize to be heard?

Your participation is needed to help build consensus on a research
agenda that enhances access to cultural heritage information in
electronic form.  In a community-based effort sponsored by the Getty Art
History Information Program (AHIP), experts in information science and
the humanities have drafted papers on the critical technical challenges
posed by humanities and arts information in the following research

        Tools for Creating and Exploiting Content
        Knowledge Representation
        Resource Search and Discovery
        Conversion of Traditional Data Formats into Digital Media
        Image and Multimedia Retrieval
        Learning and Teaching
        Archiving and Authenticity
        New Social and Economic Mechanisms to Encourage Access

We invite you to comment on the papers by responding to the issues
they raise and by proposing other topics relevant to the domain areas.
An Overview and Discussion Points are provided for your convenience.
The open electronic discussion runs from October 2 to November 2,
1995, moderated by David Bearman.  Your response will enable us to
take diverse perspectives into account before publishing a summary of
the Research Agenda papers in 1996.

You can participate via the World Wide Web by pointing your browser to
the following location:

You can participate by electronic mail by subscribing to the discussion
list.  Send an e-mail message to "[log in to unmask]" with the
following text in the message area (leave the "Subject:" line blank):

                     subscribe agenda  your_e-mail_address

for example:

                        subscribe agenda   [log in to unmask]

When you subscribe you will receive instructions on downloading the
Research Agenda papers and participating in the discussion.

Thank you for your interest in the Research Agenda for Cultural Heritage
on Information Networks.  We look forward to your participation.


Susan Siegfried
Research Projects Manager
Getty Art History Information Program
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