I have recently returned to University (I took first year courses 30 years
ago) and am studying art history.
The topic I have chosen for my term paper is "The Artist as Propagandist".
I was wondering if there has been an exhibition at any time on the subject
or if someone in museum-l land knows where I could get some crackerjack
information to help me.
I have visited some art galleries and museums on-line and have done
extensive reading. I have never studied this subject before and am finding
it fascinating. I would appreciate any help which you could give me.


Helen Edwards - Victoria, B.C. Canada
Hallmark Society Past-President
Minority Shareholder, Northwest Sports (Vancouver Canucks Hockey Club)
e-mail addresses: [log in to unmask] / [log in to unmask],bc.ca
WWW Home Page: http://islandnet.com/~helen