>Can anyone tell me why I don't receive back the messages I send to
>discussion lists?  I used to.  Now all I get is the prompt that says the
>message has been received by the server, (as in "your message dated
>so-and-so has been successfully distributed...), and that's the last I hear
>of it, unless someone replies.  Any thoughts?
>Henry B. Crawford
>Curator of History
>Museum of Texas Tech University
>Box 43191
>Lubbock, TX  79409-3191
>FAX 742-1136
>[log in to unmask]

Send a message to [log in to unmask] Put nothing in the message part
except SET MUSEUM-L REPRO. I don't know why your messages went away but
this will restore the function.
Ivy Fleck Strickler                     Phone 215-895-1637
Drexel University                       Fax 215-895-4917
Nesbitt College of Design Arts          [log in to unmask]
Philadelphia, PA 19104

"Never forget that life is like a Fellini movie, and you're getting to see
it for free."