Henry Crawford <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Samoas?  Aren't those the campfire shacks you make with melted chocolate
>and marshmellows?
>Henry B. Crawford
>Curator of History
>Museum of Texas Tech University
>Box 43191
>Lubbock, TX  79409-3191
>FAX 742-1136
>[log in to unmask]

Sorry, Henry, those wonderful sticky "shacks" are called s'mores, cuz
after you have eaten one, you want "s'more."  .....

Sharon Duane Koomler
Director of Education              (and former Girl Scout, and Girl
                                                Scout leader
Shaker Museum at South Union, KY
(502) 542-7734
e-mail [log in to unmask]

"The attainments of tomorrow are dependent on the efforts of today,
and are related to them as the blossom is to the bud,
and the fruit to the blossom."

                                  Eldress Catherine Allen, Mt. Lebanon