> I have had a request from one of my co-workers to ask the list members
> about their experiences with barcodes for tracking collections items.
> She would like to know: a)  which institutions, if any, are using a
> barcode system, and b)  what they think of the system.
> If you have any experience with barcoding your collections, please let
> me know and I will pass your information on to Barbara.
> Thank you.
> Christina Simpson Co-ordinator of Evaluation/Results Monitoring Glenbow
> Museum Calgary, Alberta  Canada [log in to unmask]


You might try contacting Marianna Munyer, Curator of Collections at the
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, phone (217) 785-5056, fax (217)
524-0931.  She has been chairing the Marking Task Force of the Registrars
Committee of AAM and has done extensive research on this topic.

I just attended a session Marianna put together on this topic at the
Midwest Museums Conference.  Johanna Humphrey, Collections Data Manager in
Anthropology at the Museum of Natural History gave a talk on her
experiences using barcodes for inventory control at the Smithsonian.  She
seems to be one of the few people with practical experience using them. You
could try contacting her as well.  Sorry,  I don't have a phone number.

Good luck!


Kate Desulis                                  (312) 322-0821 phone
The Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum    (312) 322-2257 fax
1300 S. Lake Shore Drive                      [log in to unmask]

Chicago, Illinois 60605