I am a senior American Studies Major at Georgetown University in the
beginning stages of a thesis.  My topic area is still slightly vague, but
I hope to examine the American Public's relationship with history
museums: why do we go to museums, why do we think museums are
useful/educational/enjoyable (or on the contrary why don't we think
that), what do we think the underlying purpose of a history museum
(particularly an American History museum) is?  As I said, I haven't
narrowed the topic down very much yet, but I was hoping to get some
feedback from this list.  Can anyone point me towards studies, books,
articles that might point me in a particular direction?  You can reply to
the list or directly to me at the email address listed below.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Thomas Akana
American Studies Department Intern
Georgetown University
e-mail: [log in to unmask]