David came up with a very vaild point about clickers. At one point, I
worked for Colonial Williamsburg as a Visitor Aide. One of our jobs
entailed clicking away as ticketed visitors entered certain sites. In
some buildings, the interpreters were responsible for that duty. So if
you ever wondered what we were doing if you visited the Historic
Area...there ya go!

You are easily distracted by small children, visitor questions (which
another part of the job), activity all around you, not to mention
remembering to write the stats down every hour. It's a way to get a
random set of numbers to justify increases or decreases in personnel,
funding for projects and changes in hours. However, it's not fool-proof
since any fool can use it. Thanks.

Jennifer L. Gilbert                     Department of History
Library Manager                         Bowling Green State University
Inland Seas Maritime Musuem             [log in to unmask]