At 4:23 PM 9/17/95, Uri Bruck wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
>Sender:       Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>Poster:       Uri Bruck <[log in to unmask]>
>Organization: ACTCOM - Internet Services in Israel
>Subject:      Re: WWW and attendance
>One thing we should all be wary of are all those providers who promise to
>tell us the number of 'hits' a web page gets.
>The numbers only indicate how many times a document was ordered from the
>server, but once the document has been to the end-user the server no longer
>has any information on how the page is used, how long is it being viewed, or
>even the speed of the connection the user has.
>There is also no way of knowing how many of those came from the same person.
>If we make the mistake of trusting the number of 'hits' we'll get a warped
>picture of many people visiting on-line, only a small number of which are
>actually coming to the museum.
>The point is - the number of hits per page is not a reliable indicator.

I couldn't agree more! The number of hits is only the number of files being
transferred. I would still like to find an effective way to get a handle on
the visitor experience beyond the nice notes I get several times a week.

--john chadwick

John Chadwick                                    | New Phone numbers
system analyst                                   | starting 10-1-95:
New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science |
1801 Mountain Road NW                            | Museum: 841-2800
Albuquerque, NM 87104                            | Direct: 841-2843
[log in to unmask]                     | FAX:    841-2866
phone: (505) 841-8837 FAX (505) 841-8866         |          | Area Code is 505!