Hi!  I'm a representative of the Redding Arboretum way up the the hot
central valley of Northern California.
We are a NEW arboretum of about 200 acres in the heart of the city of Redding.

While evolution of the site into a natural park and gardens will take many
years to complete, the Arboretum is used in its present state by many
visitors.  The site features a variety of exciting components, including an
urban waterway (the Sacremento River), Riparian habitat, a permanent pond,
Oak Savanna, and seasonal wetland.

To aid in visitor enjoyment and education, we would like to install some
interpretive signs throughout the arboretum-- to orient visitors, point out
seaonal changes in the plant and animal life, and to provide information on
historical landmarks (the Arboretum land was once the site of a
gold-dredging operation).

We want some signs to be removable (as the seasons change) and some signs to
be permanent.  All signs, ideally, will blend with the natural surrounding,
be inexpensive, and resistant to weather and vandalism (we've had trouble
with broken signs, stolen signs, and frighteningly for this climate, arson).

Any information on systems you've tried or currently use, suggestions for
good literature, or any advice whatsoever, would be greatly appreciated!
Please address corrrespondence to this e-mail address, with ATTENTION:
JWARSOWE.  Or call or write!
        Thanks in advance,      Julie Warsowe
Shasta Natural Science Association    Governing Board for
[log in to unmask]              Carter House Natural Science Museum
916-243-5457 Phone                    Redding Arboretum by the River
916-243-5533 Fax                      Environmental Resources Center