Get real, Eric! Do you think we're going to let you off the hook THAT easily,
mate? Not bloody likely!

I think the fact is that we ALL have bad spots in our representations of fact.
I can point to "bad history", for example, at both my own museum, Williamsburg
(one of my very favourite places) and other institutions, and "bad science" and
"bad art" (at least bad art HISTORY) elsewhere.

Those of us who live in glass houses, etc....

We all seem to agree that (a) what we present should be as accurate as the
state of the art and the philosophy under which we operate at the time, permit;
and (b) what we do should use entertainment to catch the visitor and other
things (including education) to change him him while we got him (applies to
members of the female persuasion, also!).

This has been an interesting discussion. I agree with Eric - have a good

Harry Needham (with the BIG mouth)