Mr. Wittle,

I think that an ad for the instructional tech. should be allowed but the
person erred by being much too verbose.  I see nothing wrong with a short
succinct announcement with an address to respond for more particulars.

Thems that don't ask, don't get.
Pat Strong
[log in to unmask]

>Eric, I remember you advising commercial firms that they could shill on
>the list.  I think by the same token, iddividuals should be able to
>"advertise."  There was much positive discussion about the need of the
>museum community for access to info about people and services.  Mr.
>Taylor's post was well within those bounds.
>On Thu, 14 Sep 1995, Eric Siegel wrote:
>>      btaylor, who didn't sign your "message." What you posted is
>>      grossly inappropriate for this list. One thing you certainly
>>      haven't learned in your long resume, I mean life, is the polite,
>>      considerate, appropriate use of the Internet.
>>      Eric Siegel
>>      [log in to unmask]