I believe it is too soon to say what impact Web pages will have on
museums.  There certainly is no base of statistics.  I think there is
great potential of expanding the role of museums in society through the

I do have a few anectdotes that suggest that Web pages can
have an effect:

*  A business person attending a local conference attended a lecture at
The Tech.  He said he found out about it from our Web page -- and was
quite pleased to find that we are located across the street from the
Convention Center.

*  A local individual had heard of The Tech and finally decided to visit
after checking out our Web page.

*  We have had several members join after visiting our Web page (without
ever having visited our museum)!

Susan Wageman
Grants Coordinator                 [log in to unmask]
The Tech Museum of Innovation      (408) 279-7178
145 West San Carlos Street         fax (408) 279-7149
San Jose, CA  95113                http://www.thetech.org