Please find attached a copy of my resume in the hope that we may pair up
my skills sets with new and ongoing developments in your area of
expertise, marketing.

        Groups or divisions within you company that I may be useful as a
systems engineer are:

                   Personnel Training:  Programs and services for
                recruitment, and continued personnel training.

                   Product Development:  Refine existing while producing
new and
                innovative training packages to complement services and
                under development and already existing.  For example,
                Multi-media products to exemplify and be included in new and
                revised software packages being brought to market.

                   Public Relations:  Market Research, Advertising, and related
                support and services.

                   Distance Education:  Educational packages that student's can
                be complete at their convenience.  For example Internet access
                and other means of packaged educational outreach.

        The preceding exemplifies how I may benefit your institution as a
whole.  Understandably, your closer perusal can undoubtedly reveal more
accurate and insightful means.  Thus I readily welcome the opportunity to
discuss this with you at greater length.

        Aside from the initial novelty of computers, the ease with which
this rapid learning curve was accomplished has truly intrigued me, and
resulted in my pursuit of graduate studies in  Instructional Technology9.
Consequently, I believe my graduate studies justifiably convinced me that
computers form a main stay in this unprecedented and rapidly evolving area
of educational development.  As a result, I would very much like to be
part of the effort guiding the role that your products and services have
in influencing the application of new technologies.  To this end, I
readily welcome your enquires and can be reached at the folowing e-amil
address: [log in to unmask]


           Instructional Technology:  Application of educational practices &
           Multimedia development & Instructional Design
           Historical Interpretation
           Research practices consistent with liberal arts.
           Developing and maintaining computerized inventories
           Research support:  library and computerized technical support

Education:      Diploma in Instructional Technology, Concordia University
                Bachelor of Arts in History and Canadian Studies,
                        Trent University [1988]

Employment History:

Canadian Museum of Civilization, National Service and Outreach

1994             New Technology9 Learning Centre:
           Established supporting documentation for in-house training centre to
           increase awareness of technological communication mediums such
           as C.D.I, Photo C.D., Laser disc, and, C.D. ROM.

                Multi Media Laboratory:
           Set up audio-video equipment, computers and loaded all corresponding
           Completed inventory and storage of software, manuals, and
           corresponding reference literature.

                 Kodak9 Portfolio Photo C.D.:
           Team member involved in the design of the  War Art9 in conjunction
           with curators of the Canadian War Museum.
           Assembled and produced a presentation using Kodak production

Summer 1992     Preparator, Collections Reserve, Living History Division,
                National Loans and Boat Collections:
           Reorganized, catalogued, and stored artifacts under specific
           environmental conditions.

1991-1992       Preparator, Collections Reserve, Archaeology, Ethnology
                Divisions and Canadian Postal Museum:
           Assisted in the movement and care of collections that involved:
        - Packing and unpacking of artifacts
        - Documenting artifact locations within storage areas
        - Updating information within collection9s computerized database on
        Canadian Heritage Information Network [C.H.I.N.]

1988 - 1989             Photography Collections Cataloguing, Archaeological
                        Survey of Canada:
           Compiled inventory and accompanying index of photographs
           the progress and highlights of the preceding field season.

Summer 1988     Field assistant volunteer, Archaeological Survey of Canada
        As a team member of an isolated research party on Victoria Island,
           Maintained field notes on personal digging progress
           Located and identified artifacts; photographed artifacts
           Compiled an inventory and index of photographs.

Environment Canada, Canadian Parks Service, Archaeological Research Branch:

Summer 1991     Assistant Registrar:
           Performed detailed layout and organization of the renovated
           laboratory used by the resident historical researchers.
           Tagged and reorganized artifacts in each collection within the

1989 - 1990.            Material Culture Cataloguer:
           Established a comprehensive computerized data base inventory of
           Spode/Copeland pottery designs, as a reference tool for dating
           archaeological sites throughout Canada
           Created and tested a computerized database inventory for use as a
           research tool for bibliographical work
           Submitted catalogued artifacts to the National Reference Collection

Supply & Services Canada, Human Resource Planning Branch,
                          Employment Equity Division.:

Summer 1990     Library Coordinator and Research and Technical support:
           Performed continued research & developed automated in-house
           Compiled and organized accompanying library documentation
           Provided administrative support for employees on vacation.

Summer 1989     Research and Technical support:
           Participated in a study to establish an automated in-house
           to coordinate a departmental programme to increase and retain
           employee representation from Native, Visible Minority and
           Designed a skills classification system for marketing and
           all employment candidates;

Northern Telecom Canada, Packet Switching Division:

Summer 1987     Library coordinator and Technical Support Assistant:
           Identified necessary resources and systems as a basis for a library
           Identified & compiled necessary documentation using a main frame
           Organized material and established cross reference filing system;
           Assisted in maintenance & support procedures of telephone switching
           hardware required for testing purposes.

Department of Indian & Northern Affairs, Specific Claims Office:

Summer 1986     Historical Researcher:
           Analyzed documents relating to land claims of specific tracts of
           Conducted verification of data and made policy recommendations
           Researched complex issues to anticipate potential confusion arising
           in the process of land claims negotiation.

Technical Expertise:

Knowledge of Local Area Networks in both P.C. and Macintosh environments.
Video Production - created instructional video for Macintosh networks [L.A.N.]
Advanced knowledge of Macintosh & [I.B.M.] Computer software applications

   Word Processing:     Microsoft Word, MacWrite II, [WordPerfect (5.3)
                        and P.C. Write.]
   Data Base:           File Maker II, [dBASE III+, Twin, AskSam]
   Spreadsheet: Excel, [Lotus 1-2-3 and Papyrus
   Presentation:        HyperCard, More and Kodak  Create-it9,  Arrange-it9.
   Graphics:            MacDraw, MacPaint, and SuperPaint, Swivel 3D,
                        Illustrator, and Intellidraw
   Desktop Publ.:       PageMaker, Quark Express, and FreeHand.

Personal Characteristics:

           Good analytical and mechanical aptitudes.
           Responsible, trustworthy, tenacious, attentive to detail, observant,
           Strong team player; self motivated.


           Reading: military history, historical fiction, Canadian literature.
           Sports:  Cross-country and alpine skiing, cycling,
                    and bike mechanics.
           Music and Sound technology.

R.C.M.P. Security Clearance:  Basic [Enhanced]

                     - References Available Upon Request -