On Wed, 6 Sep 1995 [log in to unmask] wrote:

> Could you send me, please, more information about what is ISO 9000?
> In Portugal we are just beagining to discust question about standards and i
> would apreciate any information that you could send me about

If you have access to the World Wide Web, there is quite a bit of info on
this subject.  The basic premise is:

Say what you do -- document all of your internal standards and procedures

Do what you say -- follow these procedures

Resolve the differences -- if you are not doing what you said, determine
what you should be doing and either rewrite your documentation or change
how you do things to conform.

Susan Wageman
Grants Coordinator                 [log in to unmask]
The Tech Museum of Innovation      (408) 279-7178
145 West San Carlos Street         fax (408) 279-7149
San Jose, CA  95113                http://www.thetech.org