So sorry, I have lost the thread here, and don't remember how to find the
original requester for Owl Cigar info! Please pardon posting to whole

You might try posting an inquiry in the EXCHANGE section of AOL. There is
a BB devoted to cigar smokers and pipes buried in Hobbies (Wine and Dine)
unless they've moved it since last I looked. PATH: Keyword WINE, click on
icon for Message Boards and Chat and Library, then click on Message
Boards, then on Pipes and Cigars. It seems like a relatively popular stop
for those who enjoy cigars, and there could be a collector hiding among

Also send an inquiry to Cigar Aficionado Magazine c/o Marvin R. Shanken,
Ed. & Pub; 387 Park Ave. South, NY, NY 10016. This is a new, big and very
glossy quarterly. Phone: (212) 684-4224 or FAX (212) 684-5424. He also
publishes a monthly newsletter called Cigar Insider.

Good Luck!

Carol Morgan, Director
Demuth Foundation, Lancaster, PA
(who owns the Demuth Tobacco Shop -- oldest in the U.S., founded c1770 and
continuously in business at the same location.)