Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the discussion on paying for
appraisals generated by my enquiry.  I think we have as close an answer as
we can hope for without going to a tax lawyer and I think I have convinced
people here that it is not a good idea.

I would also like to comment on Jim's very related and very appropriate
comments about being flamed for sending a reply to the list.  I too follow
some discussions and not others.  Those I am uninterested in or don't have
time for are deleted without being read.  The operative word here is
DISCUSSION!  Come on people this is a DISCUSSION LIST - generating an open
discussion with input from as many interested museum professionals as
possible is the whole point.  If you aren't interested don't read it, and if
there's too much on here for you to handle don't blame that on the rest of us.

Hang in there Jim.


Bill Lazenby                                    Tel:    708-260-8187
Director of Museum Operations                   Fax:    708-260-9298
The First Division Museum at Cantigny           E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
1 South 151 Winfield Road      
Wheaton, IL  60187-6097