i am doing research about the conflict between wealthy, art/artifact
importing nations such as the US and poorer "source" nations such as
Turkey or Greece...anyway there is a new international convention open
for signatures that would require the return of items to the source
nation if the possessor such as a museum or collector could not
adequately prove the object isnt stolen or illegally exported...however,
if the possessor acquired the item in good faith, compensation will be
paid...what i would like is for anyone with significant information about
this convention (unidroit) to either tell me or let me know what the
source is...in addition, since the convention is sponsered by the United
Nations i would like to get an email address for someone involved in
UNESCO or the International Council of Museums...finally, the source
nations are basing the repatriation argument somewhat on human rights
law, if anyone knows of a good source demonstrating this, i would really
appreciate being notified about it...sorry for so many requests but the
subject is so full of conflict i need to find out as many aspects as
possible...thanks for any help