The Science Museum of Minnesota is looking for museum/school partners to
join us by satellite downlink on Saturday, February 3, 1996 for a teacher
workshop to prepare teachers for MayaQuest II, leaving in March for
Guatemala, Mexico and Belize.  Dan Buettner will assemble a team of
archeologists and photographers to join in a 6-week bicycle trip to
investigate archeological questions while visiting ancient Mayan sites and
contemporary Mayan villages.  The workshop will introduce teachers of
grades 4-12 to the Mayan culture and how to connect their classroom to the
interent connections of MayaQuest II.  The satellite portion is planned for
about one hour, at 1 pm (CST) to include a broadcast of a panel of
expedition members (from 95 and 96) and excerpts of video from 95's trip.

For more information, contact Maija Sedzielarz, 612.221-4554 or
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Maija Sedzielarz
Science Museum of Minnesota