Apparently, I received several responses to my inquiry about a job
description for a volunteer coordinator (paid or unpaid); however due to an
error in  the Museum List Server delivery system only one response, from the
New England Science Center, came through.

Possibly a brief description of our staffing and volunteer programs will
provide a more focused quiry.  The Sun Cities Art Museum has a full-time
staff of three, a half-time store manager and approximately 500 volunteers
who provide services in all areas with an emphasis on reception, museum
store, gallery attendents, docents and security.  The museum's facility was
recently enlarged from 7,000 to 18,000 square feet.

Prior to my arrival here ( I am the new director), the volunteer committees
and their associated volunteers opperated more or less independently - their
activities loosely coordinated by the director, office coordinator or
members of the Board of Trustees.  We have some potential canditates to
serve as a Volunteer Coordinator (unpaid) but need to come up with a
realistic job description.  Any suggestions or samples of Volunteer
Coordinator job descriptions would be appreciated.

Wallace A. Steffan, Director
Sun Cities Art Museum
Sun City, Arizona