I'm hoping that one or some of you museum professionals can lend me a hand.

There is an open position for a curatorial assistant for which I would very
much like to apply.  I believe I am qualified for the position.  The
problem is that I have been, for the last 6 years, mostly employed as a
library assistant (technical services), and I don't think that my
resume adequately brings out the abilities that I know I have in respect
to being a curatorial assistant.  I am revamping my resume in the
*functional* style, but am having trouble providing headings for those
abilities.  Any suggestions?  What would you be looking for?

P.S. A brief background:

MA in History, UCLA, gpa 3.95, specialty ancient history; about 1/2
coursework specifically in art history.
Worked as manager of multi-million dollar ancient coin inventory
Worked as head of document collection in library
Can read German, Italian, Spanish, classical Greek; can speak French
Have had seat on committees devoted to technology innovation; have
presented tutorials on software applications

/\_/\  DeeDee Acosta     /\_/\   |
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