If you haven't visited our home page or if you want to take another look,
we invite you to see the new look and some new attractions.

Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

Also, we have added a home page for all of the Harvard Museums


This is primarily the work of Maria Piacente who is back at the Univ. of
Toronto (much to our dismay) and Lee Ann Kalwat (our resident webmaster).


Katherine Jones-Garmil                        | Program Director
Assistant Director                            | Museum Computer Network
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology   | [log in to unmask]
11 Divinity Avenue                            |-------------------------------
Cambridge, MA  02138 USA                      |
(617) 495-1969     [log in to unmask]     |
(617) 495-7535     fax                        |