Dear Roy Underhill,

  I see your name frequently on museum-l, and I certainly "know" you from
your "The Woodwright's Shop."  I'm hoping that you might offer a little
help/advice related to Colonial Williamsburg.

  I am planning to be on "faculty improvement leave" during the 1996-97
school year. In my case, since I hold a twelve-month contract, that would
be from July 1, 1996 - June 30, 1997.  My research project relates to
"popular history" - how the general populace receives its impressions of
the past and how these popular perceptions vary from the interpretations of
professional historians.  I am examining such phenomena as "Country Living
Magazine," the History Channel, popular novels and movies set in the past,
and, of course, historic villages.  I will be spending a good deal of time
in Williamsburg during my leave year (I may even make it my base for the
entire year) and I wonder how I might go about seeking part-time and/or
temporary employment there. My institution pays 70% of salary during
leaves, and I seek something to augment my regular salary and help with the
unusual expenses associatedc with my research plans.

  Is there somewhere to forward my resume/vita?  Is there an office to
contact?  I'd appreciate any advice you might be able to offer.

Chris Geist