I am trying to identify projects where *communities* have developed
networks that support cultural and educational programming.  Although I'm
defining "community" mostly in a geographic sense, I also am interested in
physically dispersed communities who have developed (or are developing)
such networks (i.e., professional organizations, special interest groups,

I'm casting a wide net (no conscious pun intended?) in this search:
suggestions as to freenets, civic, commercial, and professional networks,
or even projects that are still on the drawing board, are welcome.

If you know of any relevant projects, please drop me a line at
[log in to unmask]  (I'll be taking myself off this list for a bit
while I'm out of town.)  If there are sufficient replies and interest, I
will post a compilation of the responses when I return.

Thank you.

Diane Zorich
Consultant to the Getty Art History Information Program
7925 Via Ensenada
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Phone# 619 942-3633
FAX#   619 942-3655
Email:  [log in to unmask]