On Wed, 16 Aug 1995 Findjim <[log in to unmask]> said:

>Can anyone give me feedback abo9ut their experience with collection or
>exhibitions management software?  I am in an IMB-family, LAN environment
and am
>shopping for software for managing collections and exhibitions. Possibly a

>Windows product(?)

I can refer you to two sources with which to begin your search.

1. 1994-95 Directory of Software for Archives and Museums, Compiled by
Belinda Wright, with an essay by David Bearman.  Archives & Museum
Informatics, Pittsburgh, 1994.  Write to Archives & Museum informatics,
5501 Walnut Street, Suite 203, Pittsburgh, PA 15232-2311
([log in to unmask]).

2. Museum Computer Network, Directory of Vendors and Consultants, December,
1994.  Compiled by Museum Computer Network Program Office at the MIT
Museum, 265 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139.  Write to Michele
Devine at MCN headquarters ([log in to unmask]).

I have written some short published and unpublished articles that discuss
some of the issues regarding the acquisition of museum cataloging and
object management software.  If you ask I'll be happy to send copies of
them to you.

Robert A. Baron
Museum Computer Consultant
P.O. Box 93, Larchmont, NY 10538
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