who is looking for information on museums in fiction??

     I am EXTREMELY interested in your research, have done similar research
     in my grad work, and wonder if you'd be willing to talk to me about
     your project and perhaps share some information. I'm especially
     interested in your bibliography.

     You must have, I presume, alreadty included E.M. Forester's _Maurice_
     and _A Room with a View_, and Balzac's Sarrazine?? (see also Roland
     Barthes' S/Z on Sarrazine)

     You may also wantto contact Professor Jann Matlock of the French
     department at HArvard University who teaches a course there on museums
     and the novel (in 19th c. France).

     I look forward to talking with you,


     Brian Martin

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Museums in fiction continued
Author:  Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]> at Internet
Date:    8/15/95 2:18 PM

  That sounds more like for my Archaeology in Fiction bibliography. Thanks!

Anita Cohen-Williams; Reference Services; Hayden Library
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ  85287-1006
PHONE: (602) 965-4579              FAX: (602) 965-9169
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