I am preparing an exhibit which will incorporate a fiber-optic map and need
information on companies which can produce a finished product or supply the
illuminators, fibers and other equipment.  If you have had experience with a
company that does this please let me know your impressions (good or bad).  I
am very interested in applications where you may have done some of the
installation work and to what level the fiber-optic fabricator assisted you
by providing tech support for your installation.  At one time I dealt with a
company in Pittsburgh, but no longer have their info...

Thanks for the help.

 - Mark
(I would prefer direct e-mail responces as I receive Museum-l in digest form)

  Freya Ventures | Owner, Mark C. Vang | (804) 425-5751 | Fax: (804) 425-6811
   Interactive museum exhibit software, InfoTerm patron information kiosks.
e-mail: [log in to unmask] |Freya Ventures Home Page: http://www.infi.net/~marcus