On Mon, 7 Aug 1995, Alan E West wrote:

> The Museum that I work for is considering putting up some WWW pages,
> but wants some information in the field of cost-benefits before it
> does so.  If any one could help me on the following points, either
> through their own experiences, or by directing me to published
> material, I would be very grateful.
> 1.  What is the cost overhead in staff time of maintaining web
> pages?  I know this depends a lot on the size, but a rough rule of
> thumb, hours per megabyte per month would be useful (if anyone has
> done this kind of audit!).
> 2.  Do web pages actually generate an appreciable increase in
> visitors, or do most museums with web pages view it as widening
> their public access, rather than income generation?  How many people
> each month access your web pages on average?
> 3.  What is the success of museum shops on the web, and what form
> has proved the most profitable?
> Thanking you all in advance.
> Alan E West
> [log in to unmask]

Alan, I put up a similar request a week or so ago and had very little
response- Good luck!


*            Tim Bosher           *      Museum of Victoria          *
* [log in to unmask]  *  Information Systems Branch      *
*      Phone: +61 3 651 6751      *      Fax: +61 3 651 6180         *
*                                                                    *
*      There is no time like the present to postpone                 *
*      what you should be doing.                                     *
*                                                                    *