Kate Desulis posted:

>>I'm looking for any information on how to prevent or deter misuse
of artifact images placed on the WWW.

Watermarks for identification are about the only "preventative"
measure available. Given the nature of the Web, all images appearing
on Web pages, at least with my computing environment, can simply be
"dragged and dropped" into my own computer file system and as a tiff
or jpeg image, I can do anything with it that I care to.

The only way that I have decidedly planned to deal with this
phenomenon is to make the images small and of low resolution. They
will untilmately be massively consumed by the public, but will not be
of sufficient quality to reproduce.

The nature of the Web declares everything published there to be
totally open to public consumption, piracy-based or not.

Robert MacKimmie
California Historical Society, San Francisco
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