*    Museum Reference Center                   *
*    Smithsonian Institution Libraries         *
*    [log in to unmask]    (202) 786-2271    *
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
To: LIBEM131--SIVM     Bickley, Tom - SIL

From: Valerie J. Wheat
Subject: AAM Session-Final draft

I am putting together a panel for the 1996 AAM Annual Meeting on museum
librarianship and the ways that librarians are supporting their museum's
multicultural efforts. This could be efforts to increase diversity
within the museum (staff, volunteers, library collection, research
assistance/bibliographic instruction, staff training) or support in the
museum's efforts to increase diversity in the museum attendance/audience
(programming, exhibitions, outreach, etc.) We need another panel member.
We have two panel members from the Washington, D.C. area , and would
love to have someone from a different geographic location (West Coast,
Midwest, Southwest). If anyone is interested, please e-mail me directly
at [log in to unmask] ASAP!!!

*    Museum Reference Center                   *
*    Smithsonian Institution Libraries         *
*    [log in to unmask]    (202) 786-2271    *