Just a note to report that some eight years ago, when preparers of a
museum exhibition that was to be mounted in the state of Washington
approached Microsoft for support, they were told that Bill was "too young
to be a pillar of the community" and declined to support cultural
amenities. Apparently things have changed? Apparently the "cultural
amenities" may be profitable commodities over the Microsoft Network?
Maybe Bill has grown up and changed his mind, and three cheers if
that is so. But people should just look carefully at the fine print when
accepting in-kind rather than money.

   Pat Galloway                      [log in to unmask]
   MS Dept. of Archives and History
   P.O. Box 571                      PHONE: (601) 359-6863
   Jackson, MS 39205-0571            FAX:   (601) 359-6905